A Chicago group actively devoted to media issues.

Cable Access Television  

CAN TV (Chicago Access Network Television), the fleet of Chicago's cable access public television channels, has covered Chicago Media Action presentations and activist efforts throughout CMA's history. And when CAN TV faced a funding crisis in 2004, Chicago Media Action returned the favor and helped out.

The funding crisis of 2004 stemmed from the cable company RCN not paying its due payment to CAN TV, and seeking due retribution. But the campaign shifted gears to implement a positive solution to CAN TV's funding dilemma -- one offered by Chicago city alderman Bernard Stone. The ordinance wound up working its way through city politics (the Mayor's office, Comcast) and at the end of 2004, CAN TV won a short-term (three year) contract with Comcast and a settlement with RCN.

CMA helped by providing public testimony, bringing attention to the campaign, and assembling support and lobbying efforts at key flashpoints in the campaign.

In an age where increasing corporate consolidation and commercialism plague our media, resources like CAN TV are an oasis in our vast media wasteland. CMA will continue to support independent, noncommercial, locally-responsive media providers like CAN TV in any future organizing efforts.

Additional Resources:

  • CAN TV's website or call CAN TV at 312-738-1400
  • Articles about the 2004 CAN TV funding crisis
  • The National Federation of Community Broadcasters

    Past CMA articles on this topic are listed below in reverse chronological order.

    Past CMA announcements on this topic are listed below in reverse chronological order.