Audio updates: Media Democracy Day, and Net Neutrality

Posted by Mitchell - November 29, 2011 (entry 681)

It's not often that we get to update the CMA audio podcast, but we're in good stead to say that we've got not one but two updates from the past month:

(1) On November 5, 2011, the Human Thread art space in Pilsen played host to Media Democracy Day 2011, the third such presentation in Chicago in as many years. We recorded the full audio of the opening panel, which features three current members of Chicago Media Action, and posted it in the podcast (about 75 minutes).

(2) On November 11, 2011, the Cafe Society hosted a presentation and discussion at the Chicago Cultural Center on Net Neutrality, with CMA's Mitchell Szczepanczyk. The audio of that discussion, nearly an hour, is also online.


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