Thanks to everyone on the side of the angels who attended tonight's FCC event on the proposed. CAN TV (and I think C-SPAN) recorded the event, and no doubt will broadcast it soon. We'll be posting more analysis and commentary in the days to come.
Meanwhile, here are some links from media that have covered the event or related issues in recent days and weeks:
Chicago Independent Examiner: Public hearing opens on Comcast NBC merger | Gapers Block -- Missing the Point: A Comical Hearing on Comcast-NBCU | Gapers Block - Eating Broadband for Breakfast: Doomsday Scenarios for Chicago's Media Landscape | Newstips: Dueling hearings on Comcast-NBC merger | Newstips - Comcast/NBC: How will it Play in Chicago? | Chicago Public Radio: Comcast Could Be Tougher on NBC Unions | Free Speech Radio News: Comcast/NBC Universal merger draws differing views at Chicago hearing | Benton Foundation: Assorted links on the Chicago Comcast hearing | Kevin Gosztola's Open Salon blog - Comcast-NBC Merger: Nonprofits Distract, Support the Move | We The People Media / Residents' Journal: FCC Public Hearing on Comcast Merge with NBC
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