US Social Forum Workshop: Control of Public Media as a Social Justice Issue

Posted by Mitchell - June 10, 2010 (entry 648)

Control of Public Media as a Social Justice Issue: Lessons from Latin America and the U.S.

Learn about people's movements to shape media systems. Connect with struggles in Latin America and discuss strategies for community controlled media in the U.S. Discussion outcomes will help inform collaboration at the Peoples Movement Assembly on Media.

CMA facilitators: James Owens, Scott Sanders

Featuring speakers from the front lines of struggles for community controlled media:

Gerardo Torres, a member of the International Commission of the National Front of Popular Resistance of Honduras (FNRP).

Roberta Rael, with the Raices Collective of KUNM-FM in Albuquerque.

Speakers from Radio Populares and La Voz de Los de Abajo will discuss how new community radio stations in Latin America supports new political agency for dispossessed communities.

Workshop made possible with help from Chicago Media Action & Media Alliance

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