Some Chicago-related media showdowns...

Posted by Mitchell - December 9, 2005 (entry 385)

The Tribune company decided it had a (half-baked) response to the campaign levied against it. The headline in the Tribune-owned New York Newsday: "Tribune CEO Defends journalistic mission" (and profits). Lead Tribune lapdog and Evanston resident Dennis Fitzsimmons even had a tete-a-tete with MoveOn at the latest Tribune stock orgy full of sellouts investors. (By the way, there's more holiday cheer from the Tribune: 900 layoffs in total so far.)

Chicago will also play host to the National Conference of State Legislatures, where the struggle over local cable franchises and community internet initiatives will no doubt escalate -- even though the latest draft of the rewrite of the current telecommunications act has faced another delay.

Also, congratulations to Chicago radio station WZRD which is now streaming online.

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