Two years hence...

Posted by Mitchell - June 2, 2005 (entry 317)

On June 2, 2003, the FCC voted in a controversial 3-2 vote to repeal what was left of the main media ownership rules. (By the way, one of those three "yea" votes will be in Chicago on June 6.) If anything, it might be the closest thing to a Seattle that the media democracy movement has. In the meantime, we were able to drive back those godlesss rules back to hell, get two national conference for media reform under our collective belt, and broaden the movement to newer spheres.

On June 2, 2005, the media movement counts another victory locally. We were able to beat back attempts by Big Telecom to take over the state (well, not really, but it would seem like it when you'd see your phone bill). And the good news is that organizing is working in a number of states. Next up, a fight at the federal level.

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