CMA is Radio Active

Posted by Mitchell - September 2, 2024 (entry 780)

Again with the busy summer. I didn't post an announcement about the delayed CMA newsletter of August 2024, themed to the DNC and Chicago media activism. Consider this a belated announcement.

But for the first time in three months, I have a newsletter written and sent out on time. Please enjoy A History of CMA-Related Radio Efforts.

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Bookending twenty years of local "public" media and critical analysis

Posted by Mitchell - July 13, 2024 (entry 777)

Three things:

1. I had a busier-than-expected end of June, so I missed sending out this month's dispatch on its regularly scheduled date of July 2nd. My apologies for that.

2. On the topic of last month's dispatch on media and the model of a participatory economy, there is now a companion essay written for folks more familiar with the model. Do check it out.

3. On the cusp of the 20th anniversary of the release Chicago Media Action's landmark study of WTTW's show "Chicago Tonight", we devote this month's dispatch to reviewing media analysis of local American "public" broadcasting, in 2004 and in 2024 -- "Analyzing local public broadcasting, then and now".

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Media and (future?) economics

Posted by Mitchell - June 2, 2024 (entry 775)

And now for something somewhat different from previous CMA essays: I tie in, or try to tie in, my current work on economics with the work on media to offer a proposal for how media might work in a (hopefully better) economy. This month, I give you Media and the model of a participatory economy.

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Keeping it in neutral!

Posted by unknown - May 2, 2024 (entry 773)

Net neutrality is back after an absence of more than seven years. The issue was one of ongoing struggle, in which (I like to think) CMA played a key supporting role. That's the focus of this month's dispatch: CMA's History with Net Neutrality

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Oh, how the mighty Tribune has fallen

Posted by Mitchell - April 2, 2024 (entry 771)

The spotlight cast by the Chicago Media Action newsletter now turns its attention to a longtime foe, one which has broken up into a pale shadow of its former self. This month, we discuss Tribune!

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The Courage of Chris Geovanis

Posted by Mitchell - March 2, 2024 (entry 769)

As noted previously, we lost the founder of Chicago Media Action -- Chris Geovanis. Chicago Media Action would never have formed, nor would it have worked as hard as it did for as long as it did and as successfully as it did, had it not been for Chris.

We remember Chris' courageous action in a very lengthy essay (actually, what was once a draft of a book chapter): Chris Geovanis and "A New Group".

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Christine Geovanis, presenté!

Posted by Mitchell - February 15, 2024 (entry 767)

I'm sending this message outside of the normal schedule for Chicago Media Action newsletters to share some important but sad news.

Christine Geovanis -- a longtime Chicago activist whose protest and arrest in 2002 resulted in the creation of what became Chicago Media Action -- passed away this week, on Monday, February 12, 2024.

If you're in the Chicago area, Chris' visitation is scheduled for Sunday, February 18, 2024, at the Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home in Des Plaines, Illinois. Her funeral service is scheduled for Monday, February 19, at 11AM local time, also at Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home. More information is here.

I'll have more to say about Chris and her legacy in the days and months to come.

Thank you.

Christine Geovanis, presenté!

Getting mad at MAADD

Posted by Mitchell - February 2, 2024 (entry 766)

In this month's post, we revisit the story of the Ministerial Alliance Against the Digital Divide, a group of black Chicago ministers devoted to equity in telecommunications access, and their apparent conversion (pun intended) from grassroots activist group to corporate-backed front-group to apparently nothing at all.

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The National Association of Broadcasters Bastards Beggars

Posted by Mitchell - January 2, 2024 (entry 764)

This website has had some unkind, but thoroughly justified, things to say about the National Association of Broadcasters in the past. We continue that tradition, complete with a oh-how-the-mighty-have-fallen update, in this month's dispatch, NAB - The National Association of Beggars?.

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A rather pricey CAN TV gala

Posted by Mitchell - December 2, 2023 (entry 762)

On the heels of last month's commentary about CAN TV, I attended the CAN TV 40th annversary gala, which I report on in this month's newsletter: A Report from the CAN TV 40th Anniversary Gala.

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40 Years of CAN TV

Posted by Mitchell - November 2, 2023 (entry 760)

This year marks the 40th anniversary of CAN TV, the fleet of Chicago's public access cable television channels. CMA has supported CAN TV, and CAN TV has supported CMA. I discuss the network and experiences over the years, among other topics, in CAN TV: Past, present, future?

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Speaking of dominoes, here's more commentary on broadcast license challenges.

Posted by Mitchell - October 2, 2023 (entry 758)

A previous Chicago Media Action newsletter essay led to another essay published as an op-ed, and then commentary came and then I wrote an essay as a response to some of that commentary. I relate the whole story in this month's feature essay, "Is a broadcast license revocation a form of censorship?".

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Revisiting the First Domino

Posted by Mitchell - September 2, 2023 (entry 756)

In addition to this month's Chicago Media Action newsletter, I have two announcements of note:

  1. On the heels of last month's post about broadcast license challenges, we now have a dispatch published on the website of Project Censored on the same topic. Check it out.

  2. The U.S. government's Federal Trade Commission is taking public comment on future policies regarding corporate antitrust. This can matter because the Biden administration has appointed FTC commissioners who have a history and interest in cracking down on corporate mergers. I already posted a comment, and I also shared a Chicago Media Action research project from 2010 to the docket. You can also see related commentary on my personal website for more inspiration, along with this excellent commentary by anti-monopoly activist Matt Stoller.

    We have a rare opportunity to shape policy on corporate mergers, antitrust, and big business -- whether or not they're media related. And this is definitely media-related: Many big media mergers require FTC approval, in addition to FCC approval. You have until September 18, 2023, to respond. Go to this page on the website, click the blue "Comment" button on the upper-left of the page, and add in your comments on corporate mergers, antitrust, and big business.

Thank you. Now, on with our feature essay, The First Domino, about an inspiring victory that took place twenty years ago this weekend.

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed on this website are those of the individual members of Chicago Media Action who authored them, and not necessarily those of the entire membership of Chicago Media Action, nor of Chicago Media Action as an organization.