CHICAGO MEDIA ACTION ALERT, February 22, 2005 In this alert: * The future of community internet in Illinois * WZRD goes off the air, and gets back on the air *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Illinois residents who are interested in the future of the internet and telephone technology will be interested in a state law which is scheduled for revision in the next couple of months. The Illinois Telecommunications Act, the state's law which governs policy pertaining to telecom and the internet, is expected to be rewritten in 2005 during the Illinois General Assembly, which is expected to end in May 2005. Though many questions are likely to be raised during the rewrite, the main issues might be those of control and cost. Will communities be able to create their own technological infrastructure based on community needs and desires and timetables? Or will communities be dependent on giant telecom companies like SBC and Comcast whose primary concern is profit? (This touches on issues like the digital divide, challenges to corporate power, and the rights of communities to shape their own future.) Committees in both the Illinois House and Senate are slated to begin proceedings, and a state bill, Senate Bill 499, has already been introduced. Read the bill and what it means (it's not good) here: We encourage Illinois residents to contact their state legislators and ask that they maintain the right of Illinois municipalities to establish their own community internet services, and to hold local public hearings on the Telecom Rewrite. A suggested letter that you can use (and modify) is online here: You can contact your state senators and representatives here: (click on "Legislator Lookup" under "Additional Resources") You are also encouraged contact the members of the Illinois Telecommunications Committee, which are listed here: This local-scale struggle for the internet's future is going on in (so far) nine other states throughout the country. To learn more of what's happening nationally, you can visit: For Illinois, there is an active mailing list called Get Illinois Online, which you're welcome to join to get more involved or to learn the latest happenings: We especially encourage you to spread the word about this rewrite, and forward this email to others. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** In recent weeks, the Chicago-area radio station WZRD (88.3 FM) had been off the air because of licensing problems. However, we are pleased to announce that the FCC has granted WZRD temporary approval to resume broadcasting. WZRD, along with all its progressive community programming (including Democracy Now! twice weekdays at 7am and 8am), is back on the air. In Chicago, Democracy Now is currently also airing on these stations during these times: * In parts of the northside: WLUW, 88.7 FM, Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays from 9am to 10am ( * In parts of the southside: WRTE, 90.5 FM, Monday through Thursday at 10pm, Fridays at midnight, weekdays at 5am ( *** *** *** *** *** *** *** This is an email from Chicago Media Action, a Chicago activist group devoted to media issues. Chicago Media Action, P.O. Box 14140, Chicago IL 60614-0140 Call toll-free: 1-866-260-7198 Web: E-mail: To unsubscribe from this mailing list, simply send an email requesting removal to