I now present the second part of the long-ass essay on the history of American media activism. Please enjoy Corporate Media Control and Media Reform Struggles (Updated) - Part 2 of 2.
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In anticipation of providing context of media activism writ large across American history, I updated a talk that I gave in 2011 -- a talk that is so long I divided it into two parts. Please enjoy Corporate Media Control and Media Reform Struggles (Updated) - Part 1 of 2
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In this month's newsletter, we revisit an episode of media activism in which CMA had some remarkable successes. Please enjoy The Digital Television (DTV) Conversion Revisited.
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We continuing with our election-related discursion in this month's dispatch: Media and the Outcome of the 2024 U.S. Election.
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Happy Chicago-Media-Action-iversary! Today marks 22 years since the effective start of Chicago Media Action, and two years since the start of these newsletter dispatches.
The media have affected the 2024 U.S. election, and its various trajectories, in so many ways. I review some of those impacts in the November 2024 newsletter -- Media and the 2024 U.S. Election.
If you wish to join the CMA mailing list, please email cma@chicagomediaaction.org. Thank you.
Again with the busy summer. I didn't post an announcement about the delayed CMA newsletter of August 2024, themed to the DNC and Chicago media activism. Consider this a belated announcement.
But for the first time in three months, I have a newsletter written and sent out on time. Please enjoy A History of CMA-Related Radio Efforts.
If you wish to join the CMA mailing list, please email cma@chicagomediaaction.org. Thank you.
Three things:
1. I had a busier-than-expected end of June, so I missed sending out this month's dispatch on its regularly scheduled date of July 2nd. My apologies for that.
2. On the topic of last month's dispatch on media and the model of a participatory economy, there is now a companion essay written for folks more familiar with the model. Do check it out.
3. On the cusp of the 20th anniversary of the release Chicago Media Action's landmark study of WTTW's show "Chicago Tonight", we devote this month's dispatch to reviewing media analysis of local American "public" broadcasting, in 2004 and in 2024 -- "Analyzing local public broadcasting, then and now".
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And now for something somewhat different from previous CMA essays: I tie in, or try to tie in, my current work on economics with the work on media to offer a proposal for how media might work in a (hopefully better) economy. This month, I give you Media and the model of a participatory economy.
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Net neutrality is back after an absence of more than seven years. The issue was one of ongoing struggle, in which (I like to think) CMA played a key supporting role. That's the focus of this month's dispatch: CMA's History with Net Neutrality
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The spotlight cast by the Chicago Media Action newsletter now turns its attention to a longtime foe, one which has broken up into a pale shadow of its former self. This month, we discuss Tribune!
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As noted previously, we lost the founder of Chicago Media Action -- Chris Geovanis. Chicago Media Action would never have formed, nor would it have worked as hard as it did for as long as it did and as successfully as it did, had it not been for Chris.
We remember Chris' courageous action in a very lengthy essay (actually, what was once a draft of a book chapter): Chris Geovanis and "A New Group".
If you wish to join the CMA mailing list, please email cma@chicagomediaaction.org. Thank you.
I'm sending this message outside of the normal schedule for Chicago Media Action newsletters to share some important but sad news.
Christine Geovanis -- a longtime Chicago activist whose protest and arrest in 2002 resulted in the creation of what became Chicago Media Action -- passed away this week, on Monday, February 12, 2024.
If you're in the Chicago area, Chris' visitation is scheduled for Sunday, February 18, 2024, at the Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home in Des Plaines, Illinois. Her funeral service is scheduled for Monday, February 19, at 11AM local time, also at Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home. More information is here.
I'll have more to say about Chris and her legacy in the days and months to come.
Thank you.
Christine Geovanis, presenté!
In this month's post, we revisit the story of the Ministerial Alliance Against the Digital Divide, a group of black Chicago ministers devoted to equity in telecommunications access, and their apparent conversion (pun intended) from grassroots activist group to corporate-backed front-group to apparently nothing at all.
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This website has had some unkind, but thoroughly justified, things to say about the National Association of Broadcasters in the past. We continue that tradition, complete with a oh-how-the-mighty-have-fallen update, in this month's dispatch, NAB - The National Association of Beggars?.
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On the heels of last month's commentary about CAN TV, I attended the CAN TV 40th annversary gala, which I report on in this month's newsletter: A Report from the CAN TV 40th Anniversary Gala.
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This year marks the 40th anniversary of CAN TV, the fleet of Chicago's public access cable television channels. CMA has supported CAN TV, and CAN TV has supported CMA. I discuss the network and experiences over the years, among other topics, in CAN TV: Past, present, future?
If you wish to join the CMA mailing list, please email cma@chicagomediaaction.org. Thank you.
A previous Chicago Media Action newsletter essay led to another essay published as an op-ed, and then commentary came and then I wrote an essay as a response to some of that commentary. I relate the whole story in this month's feature essay, "Is a broadcast license revocation a form of censorship?".
If you wish to join the CMA mailing list, please email cma@chicagomediaaction.org. Thank you.
In addition to this month's Chicago Media Action newsletter, I have two announcements of note:
Thank you. Now, on with our feature essay, The First Domino, about an inspiring victory that took place twenty years ago this weekend.
I had been meaning for a long time to revisit the topic of broadcast license challenges, and a new challenge which just dropped made for an excellent opportunity to delve into the topic. You can read more in Reflections on broadcast license challenges, past and present.
If you wish to join the CMA mailing list, please email cma@chicagomediaaction.org. Thank you.
Bobby Rush -- Black Panther Party co-founder, Chicago alderman, and decades-long Congressional representative -- stepped down this year after a long career in politics. Chicago Media Action had a number of interactions with Bobby Rush and his staff, some good, some less so. You can read more in this month's post, Reflections on Bobby Rush.
If you wish to join the CMA mailing list, please email cma@chicagomediaaction.org. Thank you.
Twenty years ago to the day of this post, the Federal Communications Commission voted to squelch its remaining media ownership rules, marking a sea change in media, the FCC, and the public. I talk about it in It's been 20 years since the FCC's horrid media ownership rule rewrite.
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We recently saw the end of an unsuccessful effort to put the longtime media and policy activist Gigi Sohn on the Federal Communications Commission. I talk about her, the campaign to squelch her nomination, and some possible next steps in Viva Gigi Sohn!
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Two very impactful events on my life happened twenty years ago on this date -- one family-connected, one media-policy connected. I talk about them both in April 2, 2003: My Uncle and the Midwest Forum on Media Ownership.
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My friend and fellow media activist Jen Angel died last month. I recount the tragedy of her passing, and a subsequent tragedy of the corporate media coverage of her passing, in an article here.
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We're in the month of quadrennial Chicago municipal elections (my ballot came in the mail today). Read more about Thoughts on media, democracy, and the 2023 Chicago municipal elections
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We once again go down memory lane in the midst of an announcement of the "resignation" of the longest serving alderman in Chicago history. Please enjoy Some thoughts on Edward Burke, CAN TV, and Chicago Media Action
Again, if you wish to join the CMA mailing list, please email cma@chicagomediaaction.org. Thank you kindly.